Boudoir photography has always been and has become an even more popular type of session amongst women. I always tell women, “you should never have to have a reason why you do this type of sexy photography; however, many do. Getting married is a huge one, but don’t discount divorce, weight loss, a confidence booster, just because, and so many more.
During my 15 years of photographing women, I have learned so much. Though I am a woman myself, I have gained much more knowledge about the extent we will go to, to please our loved one. I mean, I may be a little biased here, but we are a special type of creature. One of the things, however, that has come up time and time again is trying to keep things under wraps without looking like you’re cheating!
So how do we give our loved one the ultimate sexy gift without making him raise an eyebrow? Well, after hearing many stories, we have compiled a list of excuses for you to pull from so that you are ready to answer!

Women want to look and feel their best before they come in to do their shoot and sometimes go above and beyond to get prepared. Small things like making sure their nails are painted is typically a recommendation from me as the camera will pick up small details. While for some of us this is a normal routine, for other women, it only happens when a special occasion or vacation is coming up. How about waxing? Especially if you have never done it? How do you sneak that one by him? How about needing another excuse to get away for a few hours without the kiddos for the shoot? We also can’t forget about the consultation before the boudoir session and the lingerie fitting appointment. What little white lies must we tell? Worse, how do we explain the full face of makeup after the sexy boudoir shoot or the fresh spray tan? Believe it or not ladies, men take notice.
And if these things are not a part of your normal routine, all the new “about you to do list,” he could very well think you may have a side piece you’re doing this for!

Let’s get right to the big one first, would you truly want to waste a full face of professional makeup that you paid for by washing it off before you come home? For my makeup artists, this is the biggest slow motion “NO” you will hear coming out of their mouths! So, here are a few reasons why you are coming home on a regular week day with a fresh face of makeup.
- “Sue Ellen invited me to one of those Mary Kay parties and I had to go support her. I had no idea I was going to be the model!”
- “I have to go pick up some things at JC Penny’s/Macy’s/Dillards (wherever there is a Sephora counter) and they asked if I wanted to have them do a demo.”
- For brides: “I’m having my trial makeup done.”
For spray tans you can use some of the top excuses, but change it up a bit:
- “Mary Jo is starting her own tanning business and needs models!”
- “I won a free spray tan on a Facebook contest that I entered; doesn’t it look amazing!
Always be willing to be that friend that is there to support your other pretend friend!!

Okay so we have some of the harder things covered but let’s not forget about the time away for the appointments beforehand like the boudoir consult, shopping for sexy outfits and also the boudoir reveal after the session. This can get tough, especially when you are a stay at home mom and hardly leave? Well there you go, that’s your first excuse is that you need a little get away time to yourself! We hope that you have the type of understanding man that will want you to go and take a break. However just incase you might need another reason, give this one ago:
- I have gynecologist appointment and with Covid they are only letting one patient in at a time.
- Also, you can follow this one up a second appointment that needs to be made!
Colorado Springs is a big place, don’t forget that, we get the occasional traffic build up and so on, and hey, if you need to take a quick phone call during your boudoir shoot to say that you are stuck in traffic, that is quite alright!

At the end of the day ladies a boudoir experience is supposed to be fun, exciting, and exhilarating. I want you to be able to relax and enjoy yourself. I know why you are doing this and eventually he will to and then the shenanigans will be over!
Have a friend that has an upcoming boudoir photoshoot? Share this with her!